Graphite on Paper
Curated by René Treviño
November 12-December 31, 2010
Main Gallery
Opening reception, November 12, 2010, 6 to 9pm
A group exhibition of artists who employ graphite on paper in their practice, this exhibit will be a celebration of drawing. Since this show is using Graphite on Paper as it’s thematic current, preliminary drawings, sketchbooks, doodles as well as refined and “finished” works will be included. Matted and framed work under glass will hang beside sculptural work, video pieces and drawings that are thumb tacked to the walls. Graphite and paper are merely the starting point. The goal is an exhibit that has a wide breadth of approaches to the materials…humble materials that everyone has a basic understanding of, but materials that hold infinite possibilities.
Participating artists:
Alexa Brooks
Amanda Burnham
Todd Frye-Matte
Gary Kachadourian
Michelle La Perriere
Jan Razauskas
Juan Rodas
Matthew Shelly
Molly Springfield
Justin Storms
Elena Volkova
Tanya Ziniewicz
Lu Zhang