Saturday, February 6, 2010


STEW is a new joint project spearheaded by the Baltimore Development Cooperative and Red Emma's Bookstore Coffeehouse. The basic idea is simple: once a month, we'll be hosting a dinner at 2640, featuring high-end, locally-sourced, maximally organic and expertely prepared food (including a vegan option). The price for the multi-course dinner will be $10, less than you'd pay for a sandwich elsewhere. Interspersed with the food courses will be presentations of projects and ongoing social justice struggles—and the profits from the dinner will go towards funding these iniatives. This is an open-ended experiment—how can we use food to build a culture of solidarity here in Baltimore? How can we rethink the way we fund our projects? Can we build urban democracy over a collective dinner table?

Space at STEW is limited - we can only cook for so many people! To make sure you'll have a place at the table, you'll need to buy a ticket in advance. These typically go on sale at Red Emma'sabout two weeks before the dinner -subscribe to the Red Emma's announcement list to find out when tickets become available.

The Kidz City Collective is dedicated to enabling kids, parents and caretakers to be a part of STEW. If you need childcare, or want to bring your children to STEW but aren't quite sure how to make that happen, please e-mail radkidcare-at-gmail-dot-com AT LEAST one week in advance. The more notice the better.

STEW has been inspired by a number of initiatives, including the "network dinners" organized by the art-activist collective campbaltimore in 2006, Incubate Chicago's Sunday Soup, Brooklyn's FEAST, as well as the amazing dinner that took place at 2640 during the City From Below conference.

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